NetMan Desktop Manager knowledge base

Tags HAN.V5 HAN.V4

E-ressouces via Bloomsbury

Bloomsbury Publishing PLC provides a bunch of e-ressources.

If the Bloomsbury e-resources are activated via IP, the following error may occur during operation via HAN when accessed from outside:

1. One is not recognized as activated when operating via HAN. However, you are activated on the HAN server itself - even when called via HAN.

In this case, an additional domain is missing that has to be routed via HAN. This is the domain. This domain identifies the calling browser via HAN as "activated" (on the HAN server this is the case anyway) and then you are recognized correctly.

The domain can be added with the e-script under "Kernel" or (if there are many e-scripts to be changed) in the HAN Settings under E-Script in to the "global list of permitted domains".

2. You leave HAN when calling the e-ressource.

This has been observed with Human Kinetics. In addition to the and domains, the domain was missing (without a dot in front).

Article #3599 | 04/15/20 | Hartmut Mäcker