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The concept of NetMan Profiles complements that of NetMan Groups. To apply a certain set of parameters to a group of users, you need to work with disjunct groups, meaning each group member can belong to only one such group. In the NetMan system, these disjunct groups are called profiles. You can select the user/station profile rather than user/station ID as the identifier in NetMan data log and statistics program. Here is an example:

In the NetMan Settings, you can specify Startup and Shutdown Scripts for all users. You can configure different settings for individual users and workstations, if desired, using separate Startup and Shutdown Scripts. Usually, however, you do not want to define different settings for individual users or stations, but for groups of users and stations. NetMan Groups cannot be used for this purpose, because a given user or station can belong to any number of different groups.

For NetMan user and station profiles, you can configure the following settings:

NetMan Startup and Shutdown Scripts

Allocated Collections


Autostart Scripts




For user profiles, you can configure the following as well:


Maximum number of sessions


For details on creating user profiles, see "Create User Profiles". For details on creating station profiles, see "Create Station Profiles".