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On the System page, you can specify system settings such as the NetMan Desktop Manager server installation directory, or the web services directory:


warning Settings on this page can be modified only in Administrator mode. Editing these settings incorrectly may destabilize the system and could even make the installation completely inoperative. For details on switching to Administrator mode, see "NetMan Settings".




NetMan server path: Path to the NetMan installation on the server This is addressed in NetMan Desktop Manager by the %nmhome% NetMan variable.

H+H web services. Path to H+H web services. This path is addressed by the %nmwebpath% variable.

Identify stations by. Determines how the identity of a station logging in on NetMan is determined:

NetBIOS name. Uses the Windows station name.

Host name. Uses the workstation's host name.

IP address. Uses the IP address of the workstation.

MAC address. Uses the MAC address of the workstation's network card.


Identify users by. Determines how the identity of a user logging in on NetMan is determined:

Windows user name. Uses the Windows user name from the local workstation.

Windows network user account. Uses the network user name in the Windows network.

User principle name. Uses the principal name in the Active Directory domain.


Amount of memory. Defines how much main memory on the server may be taken up by one database instance. The minimum value is 256 MB.