NetMan Desktop Manager knowledge base

Tags HAN.V4 HAN.V3

Using certificates with Mozilla Firefox as of HAN 3

Mozilla Firefox does not trust a certificate as long as no issuer chain is provided.

The directive "SSLCertificateChainFile" is alreday added in %hanhome%\System\web\bin\sslhan.conf (HAN 3) resp. %hanhome%\System\web\conf\sslhan.conf (HAN 4), but commented out with a hash. Simply remove the hash and restart the HAN Webservice HAN:

SSLCertificateChainFile ssl/ca.crt

The ca.crt must be added to path mentioned above. The certificate chain can be extracted from the wildcard SSL certificate. Several certificates have to be added with e.g. Notepad to one file.

After restarting the HAN Webservice will provide the complete CA chain.

Article #3404 | 12/13/18 | Hartmut Mäcker