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Tags HAN.V5

HAN 5.2 available

Functional enhancements and bugfixing in the current version 5.2.0

HAN 5.2 updates core components of the HAN Server:

  • Apache in version 2.4.46
  • MFC Runtime 2019
  • SSL configuration
  • Updated HAN Kernel

New HAN client architecture:

  • The HAN Client now supports the option to select at startup which HAN server to connect to. This is especially important in environments with HAN test servers.
  • Silent Installation: The HAN Client can be rolled out via distribution etc., settings such as HAN server names etc. are stored in a configuration file.
  • The HAN Client can be installed on terminal servers.
  • The HAN Client only has to be updated if the minor version changes (e.g. from 5.2. to 5.3). Nevertheless, we recommend updating the client after every server update.

New functions:

  • Definition of a permission that is executed with every login. This way it is possible to define that not all users of an authentication system are automatically authorised to access HAN. This is especially important for systems connected via Open ID Connect or Shibboleth.
  • The login failure page can display information about why a login was unsuccessful. This is especially important if an account has been locked or is not authorised to use HAN at all.

New HAN Kernel:

  • Cookie handling for an escript can be configured to ignore all local cookies from a user's browser.
  • Fix for cookie consent windows from (e.g. at Thieme or Springer). Confirming the cookie request had no effect, each time a new page was called the request was repeated.
  • The HAN kernel can also make substitutions in Base64 encoded HTML parameters or cookies.
  • The HAN kernel can be instructed to check whether a current session already exists for the user when an escript is called. If this is the case, the HAN server links into the existing session and does not re-execute a login script.
  • The HAN kernel fixes an error that occurred when using a primary HAN server: The primary HAN server was not recognised correctly.
  • HAN no longer sends the X-Forwarded-For header to providers if it was sent by clients. Internal IP information can be communicated externally via this header.

Other changes/ bug fixes:

  • The A-Z list can now show deactivated escripts. This option can be set in the HAN settings -> Web API -> A to Z list.
  • If the option : "Assignment via session" or "Assignment via permissions" is selected in an escript, this data can be imported from a CSV file. 
  • In the login page, the mechanism for deleting cookies did not work if there were more than 50 cookies. This mechanism has been fixed.

Please note:

  • The setup first updates the MFC base components. At the end of this step, the HAN server must be restarted before the actual update to HAN 5.2 begins.
  • The HAN Kernel 5.2 ist incompatible with HAN 5.1!

Article #3735 | 10/05/21 | Markus Libiseller